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Inspiring Behavior Change for Sustainable, Healthy,
and Equitable Communities

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Using an emergency as a catalyst for behavior change

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Join PNSMA from 11:30am- 1pm on March 25th for our Spring Quarterly Forum.

Speakers from the Center for Public Affairs at the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) will examine the unique opportunity public health has to use an emergency as a catalyst for behavior change.

Our Speakers

Kristen Haley, Senior Health Educator

Danielle Koenig, Health Promotion Supervisor

Cory Portner, Communication Specialist

The presentation will focus on the coronovirus only and how the state is using social marketing tools and approaches to address this novel virus and its implications for different audiences.

Our speakers will explore the ways public health navigates between reactive messaging and proactive strategies for long-term behavior changes during the stress, pressure, high stakes, and sometimes public panic of an emergency.

Once you register, we will send you Zoom log-in information to access the Forum remotely.

Please REGISTER at

Pacific Northwest Social Marketing Association (PNSMA)

1011 Western Avenue, Suite 702

Seattle, WA  98104

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